Buying Nazariya for a Baby? Know Some More Details About It

Nazariya is another name for jewellery with the evil eye. It is particularly well-liked in India, especially among parents. It is thought to shield their young ones from negative energy or aura. Almost everyone in every culture has the view that casting the evil eye will shield their loved ones from all ill-intentioned glances.

nazariya for baby

Therefore, it would be wise for you to be aware of the benefits of evil eye jewellery before purchasing nazariya for your baby.

Three evil eyes are thought to exist: the unaware evil eye, the evil eye with malicious intent to cause harm, and the unseen evil eye, which is the most terrifying of the three. The idea is that this eye perceived all the wickedness in the earth and wiped out ignorance and poverty.


The concept that wearing evil eye jewellery shields one from ill luck and evil spirits is one of the benefits of wearing it, especially for infants. The eye symbol can serve as both a talisman and an amulet, giving you both power and protection. Wearing this protective emblem is a cultural tradition among believers, whether it is for good luck or defence against the influence of wicked negative energy.

It's important to consider the evil eye jewelry's colour. For instance, the traditional colour blue is associated with good karma; favourable energies also encourage your child's academic and creative pursuits and provide protection from the evil eye.   

The sky's light blue hue denotes truth, broadens your perspective, and offers immediate protection from the evil eye.The sun's yellow or gold tint helps you focus and concentrate while also representing energy, strength, and power to conquer health problems. The colour red symbolises fire. You gain more courage, vitality, and strength as a result, which protects you and provides you the stamina to handle life's uncertainties.  

This earthy hue inspires you to accomplish through balance and thankfulness while living a fulfilling life.

Although there are other colours in evil eye jewellery as well, these are the most well-known. The malevolent intent of the onlooker is shown in the nazariya bracelet for kids. It resembles an eye in certain ways, and it is claimed that the traditional blue colour helps to protect the user.

Even while the symbol can be able to cross barriers, whether they be cultural, geographical, or religious, it might be worthwhile to think about its significance beyond being just a fashion accessory or souvenir.
